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Leafing through the Ernest D. Kaiser Index to Black Resources on an archival research project in 2018.

About Mali (she/her)

I am a reproductive rights activist, memory worker, and digital and material culture scholar rooted fundamentally in the African American Studies school of thought. I am a queer mother who likes to read, write, and meditate. I also pull tarot and am a trained reiki practitioner.

What is a Black Feminist Medical Technologist?

I call myself a Black Feminist Medical Technologist because my work uses technologies (in their abstract and practical uses) to re-think tools and machinations of white supremacist medical violence on Black reproductive bodies. What would it mean to think of a fetal monitor as a continuation of a shackle? How can we understand a medical institution keeping a patient’s placenta for medical experimentation and a biotech company selling their biological data stored from a period tracking app as approximate forms of reproductive surveillance? What does it mean for Black folks to lack control over how information about their bodies is generated, stored, shared, and kept from enslavement to the present?

A Black Feminist Medical Technologist traces these connections, from the past to the present— and is committed to empowering all people so they can do something about it, too.